Tuesday 24 February 2015

Tidying Time

As I've said before in a previous post, this past summer/fall has been chaotic.  As a result, I'm very far behind in tidying up chores - not that tidy was every part of my persona!  I am The Messy Gardener, after all.  We're experiencing some beautiful - and unseasonable - weather and today seemed like a good time to tackle the potting shed which hasn't had a good clean out in a couple of years.
Before - there's barely room to stand!
The potting shed is a very small but practical space.  It's storage for the gardening tools and is where I start plants before transplanting to the garden.  Sometimes when I'm in a hurry, it's an invaluable place to chuck things that I'll get to later.  Unfortunately "later" sometimes takes a long time coming.  Today was "later".

The "before" picture doesn't do it justice as a multitude of things had been crammed under the potting benches.  Surprisingly it didn't take all that long and I carted away a wheelbarrow load of detritus, most of which could be burned.  All of the pots which had been stored on ledges above the main potting bench were moved to the end of the potting shed where they are much easier to get at.  Larger pots were stacked under the counter.
After - it's actually a lot tidier than it looks!
Now that things are much tidier, I'm ready for the rest of the "starting" season.  Next week the tomatoes and peppers will be seeded and brought indoors to sprout.  I've also had a good look at my supplies for fertilizer and now know what I need to buy so this year's batch can be made.  And what a feeling of self-satisfaction at being able to work in a neat environment.  Too bad it doesn't last....

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